Best Pictures of Oscars Past
The Academy Awards, fondly known as the Oscars, are a beacon of excellence in the film industry. The institution traces its origins back to May 1927, when the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was established. The inaugural ceremony took place in 1929, where awards were handed out for Best Actor and Actress, Cinematography, Directing (Comedy and Dramatic), Writing (Original and Adaptation), and more. Of course, the most sought after award was for Best Picture or, as it was originally called, Outstanding Picture. Over the course of the next century, the Oscars have become a worldwide phenomenon, with millions of viewers tuning in to see their favorite films, actors, actresses, directors, and more get the recognition they deserve. Here at the Grayslake Library, we are proud to offer up many of the films that have graced the Oscars’ stage. Listed below are the Best Picture winners from the very beginning, from “Wings” to “Everything Everywhere All at Once.” All of these fi...